Resources and training: Going beyond email

If the membership wants to communicate and share ideas, a network must be set up and people need to know how  to use its tools. Obviously, the Internet serves this purpose as well as the tools for social media. Perhaps the first  goal is to assist those friars who need to know more about the Internet and go beyond receiving and sending email. Here are some possible steps for goal #1:

1) Identify those friars who understand the Internet and social media.
2) Invite the membership to attend a workshop. The provincial can send a letter emphasizing the importance of the workshop as a way for communicating with the order, and possibly, with the General Chapter in 2013.
3) Participate in the workshop before September 2012. The workshop should cover topics as how to navigate the Internet, Facebook, and Twitter. Knowledge  on the use of Skype is helpful.

Is this a realistic goal? What is your opinion?
Last month the Prior General and his council created this commission to explore new possibilities on several levels for the order. The commission does not pretend to tell the membership what direction the order ought to take. Rather, its hope is to create a process with Internet tools in which the membership can manifest its opinion. A blog will serve as a beginning for the process. This blog is a work-in-progress. With your input, we can refine the process.

Do you have any suggestions?

    Robert Dueweke, OSA

    Dueweke is the director of the Tepeyac Institute and of the deacon formation program in the diocese of El Paso, Texas.


    December 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012

